About us

What’s a Hot Pink Apple, anyway?

For us, living hot pink is a way of life.

It’s not about being trendy or being famous. It’s about refining your authentic voice, connecting with your key audiences and standing out in the process.

“I wanted to create accessible, no-fluff public relations resources for every stage of the marketing journey. So, Hot Pink Apples was born.” - Allison Schroeder, APR

“I wanted to create accessible, no-fluff public relations resources for every stage of the marketing journey. So, Hot Pink Apples was born.” - Allison Schroeder, APR

Hi, I’m Allison.

I’m the founder of Pomme Communications, an award-winning public relations and marketing activation agency.

But, many years ago, before I was the accredited PR entrepreneur you see today, I was a nervous graduate interviewing for jobs, trying to cover my panic-induced hives with the sleeves of my ill-fitting suit.

Let’s face it, getting started isn’t glamorous, whether it’s your career or your small business. And whether you’re just getting started or just don’t know where to start, a little help can go a long way. The right tools can make all the difference.

Following many conversations with small business owners, non-profits and aspiring professionals, I discovered there was a need for affordable tools and resources to succeed in public relations.

Along with my team of rockstar-caliber PR pros, we’ve developed success suites that help you raise your profile and increase share of voice within your market.

I invite you to explore our frequently updated free resources and success suites and sign up for our newsletter!

Helping you elevate your PR game.

We’re glad you’re here.

Student? Professional? Non-Profit? Small Business Owner?

You deserve world-class public relations resources.